Israel and its Fear of Popular Revelations!
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- Last Updated on Thursday, 19 April 2012 10:56
- Hits: 2255
Fadi Abu Sada* - It was long known that Israel fights culture, I still remember from my childhood time back in the 80s before the first Intifada who Israel used to arrest Palestinian youth for simply reading especially political books.
Israel and the Coming Revolution
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- Last Updated on Thursday, 19 April 2012 10:56
- Hits: 2337
Fadi Abu Sa’da* Israel may look unwary of what is happening in the Arab world, or appear to monitor the situation with great interest and using very diplomatic public statements. In fact Israel maybe the one to be effected directly by what happened and what is happening in the Arab world weather on the level of the new democracies in the Arab countries, or mutual relations, civil and military ones, adding to that the peace deals and it engagement of refusing the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative.
Let us Announce a Shadow Government!
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- Last Updated on Thursday, 19 April 2012 10:56
- Hits: 2642
Fadi Abu Sadaa– without doubt efforts by Palestinian youth to end the Hamas Fatah division between Gaza and the West Bank is getting a wide sport and respect and is impressing leaders in both sides.
The Coming Government and Media Law
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- Last Updated on Thursday, 19 April 2012 10:56
- Hits: 2397
Fadi Abu Sa’da– without a doubt PM Salam Fayyad faces many changes in the formation of the new Palestinian government. It was known that during his talks to form this government he meet with wide range of people, and went as far as reaching out to youth via social forums.
American Veto and the Revolution we Wait for!
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- Last Updated on Thursday, 19 April 2012 10:56
- Hits: 2416
Fadi Abu Sada – It looks like the American administration did not learn from what happened in Tunisia and its week position towards that Jasmine revolution. ArchiveIt does not look like that what the USA attempts to learn from its mistakes in Tunisia by supporting the Egyptian revolution have worked either. It also clear that their observation to what is happening in Lbyia, Bahrain and other Arab countries is not serious, and continue to make the same mistakes.